Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Diversity Briefings, Oct. 27, 2010

Welcome to Diversity Briefings: 10/27/2010
Volume 1, Issue 6
Group Klopfer Diversity Consulting
Susan Klopfer, editor and publisher

Welcome to the sixth issue of this new online newsletter. I hope you are enjoying the stories and links. If you would like to subscribe to receive daily updates, the form is at the bottom of today's issue. Good reading!

Susan Klopfer

Today’s Topics: Fairness and equality in the classroom, Sikhs misunderstood -- becoming victims, Cooking for the Dalai Lama, Talent has no boundaries, New harassment guidelines

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Fairness in the Classroom

ONE of the key ways to ensure that the principles of fairness and equality of treatment are enshrined within our society is to address these issues within our education system, says JILL DONABIE of Muckle LLP.

To continue, click here


Investigating Anti-Sikh Discrimination in a Post 9/11 World

"Hindu.”, “Go back to your county.”, “Terrorist.” These are remarks heard around the Yuba City, California area by ordinary, hard-working, American citizens who happen to come from East India and happen to be Sikhs. Because Sikhs are misunderstood, they have become a second set of victims of 9/11, says Denise Leifker, a Sutter County Probation Officer

Click here to continue reading:


Cooking for the Dalai Lama

Acclaimed Chef Art Smith was invited by His Holiness The Dalai Lama to cook this past weekend in Toronto for his VIP guests at a luncheon hosted by The Canadian Tibetan Center.

Click here, to continue


Employment for disabled people opens up doors

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, themed "Talent has no boundaries: Workforce diversity includes people with disabilities." "Cashing your first paycheck can be exhilarating. Being a contributing member of the workforce gives us a sense of pride, independence and security, as well as consumer power to purchase goods and services," write Suellen Jackson-Boner. "For people with disabilities, obtaining employment brings them closer to being full, valued participants in our Indiana communities."

To continue, click here


Harassment violation of federal civil rights?

Certain types of harassment rooted in sexual orientation or religious differences may be a federal civil rights violation, even though members of those groups are not specifically protected in federal law, according to new guidance released today by the U.S. Department of Education's office of civil rights.

To continue, click here

Still More Notes

Muslim civil rights group asks for IRS investigation
In a letter this week, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a prominent Muslim civil rights and advocacy group, urged the IRS to look into the Investigative Project on Terrorism Foundation. The civil rights group alleges that IPTF's founder, Steven Emerson, listed by CAIR as one of the nation's leading Islamophobes, misused the company's tax-exempt status to conduct illegal transactions.

To learn more, continue here --

Diversity Management Tip of the Day

In a Global Market, Your Customers Expect Diversity; Are You Meeting Their Needs?

My husband and I were having a quick breakfast in an unfamiliar restaurant, waiting for the doors to open at a nearby museum. As I sipped my coffee, I began to realize why I wasn't comfortable. It wasn't just because we were having Sunday breakfast away from home.

Very quickly, I had realized every person serving us, from the greeter to wait staff, was young and white. I peeked into the kitchen and confirmed what I was guessing − the invisible people working behind the scenes, performing the lower paying jobs, were Latino, African American and of varying ages. Will this restaurant get my return business? Probably not.

Continue this article by Susan Klopfer --

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