Monday, October 25, 2010

Diversity Briefings: 10/25/2010

Welcome to Diversity Briefings: 10/25/2010

Volume 1, Issue 4
Group Klopfer Diversity Consulting
Susan Klopfer, editor and publisher

Today’s Topics: constitutional issues in gay marriage; China moving closer to civil rights?; religious freedom of roomates; Juan Williams, Part II; Islam and peace, a conversation; too complicated for diversity?

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A federal law suit filed last year by two California same-sex couples (one gay; one lesbian) has raised constitutional issues in the gay marriage context and is unfolding in a momentous trial. In Massachusetts, another federal case tests whether a federal statutory provision that draws a sexual-preference distinction is constitutional; California sees advantages of immigrants

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The world is watching China as its leadership works towards improving the human rights situation in the country and allows individual political and civil freedoms to flourish just as much as economic freedom, said a UN human rights official.

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A civil rights complaint has been filed against a woman in Grand Rapids, Mich., who posted an advertisement at her church last July seeking a Christian roommate. The ad "expresses an illegal preference for a Christian roommate, thus excluding people of other faiths, according to the complaint filed by the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan.

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A public opinion poll from the Los Angeles Times and the University of Southern California shows that 48% of voters who will be going to the ballot box next November 2 believe immigration is advantageous for the state.

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The uproar surrounding National Public Radio's decision to terminate Juan Williams' contract is partly a reflection of changing standards in journalism and an evolving understanding of the line between news analysis and commentary, according to one former media insider.

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More Notes

Islam is a religion of peace, or it isn't? Imam Khalid Latif is a chaplain for New York University and Executive Director of NYU's Islamic Center. Last week, New York University hosted the Intelligence Squared Debates at its Skirball Center for the Performing Arts. Four panelists, two for and two against, presented arguments on the motion of "Islam Is a Religion of Peace."

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Diversity Management Tip of the Day

Aren't associated management problems such as resistance and conflict making diversity too difficult to adopt by most organizations? It's a good question to ask, and two popular diversity spokespeople state diversity is clearly possibile, as long as leaders are well educated in the requisite skills for managing it.

Consider the imaginary XYZ Company - a useful model for understanding diversity. During the last ten years XYZ has experienced at every level an increase in the number of women and people of color. One department, previously all male, transitioned to 35 percent female. Mid-management, formerly almost entirely comprised of white males, now includes 30 percent people of color - from African American to Latinos and members of the LGBT community…

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