Thursday, October 28, 2010

Diversity Briefings 10/28/2010

Welcome to Diversity Briefings: 10/28/2010
Volume 1, Issue 7
Group Klopfer Diversity Consulting
Susan Klopfer, editor and publisher

Welcome to the seventh issue of this new online newsletter. I hope you are enjoying the stories and links. If you would like to subscribe to receive daily updates, the form is at the bottom of today's issue. Good reading!

Susan Klopfer

Today’s Topics:  Corporate Diversity, Scholar Exlores Diversity, Mississippi School Fined, Federal Judge Pushes For Diversity, Latinos Facing More Discrimination, South Park Diversity Initiative; 10 + 10 Diversity Tips For Speakers and Managers
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Calvert Study: Corporate Diversity Still Coming Up Short for Women
"Examining the Cracks in the Ceiling: A Survey of Corporate Diversity Practices of the S&P 100" shows that out of the 100 CEOs represented in the survey, 92 were Caucasian males. Women make up approximately 18% of director positions within the S&P 100, and only 8.4% of the highest paid executive positions within the same group of companies.

Four key findings from the report are detailed --


Feminist Bell Hooks explores the practice of diversity

Bell Hooks, feminist scholar and internationally recognized author of 35 books, said diversity in popular culture means getting and attracting the largest number of customers. Say's "white supremacy is killing us."

Click here to continue reading:


Constance McMillen Prom Update: Mississippi School District Must Pay $81,000 in Legal Fees

The Mississippi school district that canceled its senior prom rather than allow lesbian student Constance McMillen to bring her girlfriend will now have to pay her $81,000 for legal fees incurred when McMillen sued the Itawamba School District for violating her civil rights by canceling the prom.

Click here to continue


New York Judge Continues Unusual Push For Diversity

Federal judge Harold Baer Jr. received considerable attention last month when he ordered two plaintiffs firms, who were co-lead counsel in a securities-fraud suit, to “make every effort” to assign at least one minority and one woman to the case, repoorts Nathan Koppel in his Law Blog for the Wall Street Journal.

Click here to continue


More U.S. Latinos say they face discrimination

Certain types of harassment rooted in sexual orientation or religious differences may be a federal civil rights violation, even though members of those groups are not specifically protected in federal law, according to new guidance released today by the U.S. Department of Education's office of civil rights.

To continue click here

Still More Notes

South Park Takes Part In Diversity Initiative --

On Oct. 25, Matt Glowacki appeared at '64 Hall to talk about "Diversity According to South Park & Family Guy." Glowacki spoke on diversity in light of his own disability. Family Guy and South Park take part in the diversity initiative that Glowacki stresses. The purpose of these shows is to "take something crazy, make it crazier, and then make you laugh at it, which makes your gut question it . . . they provide us with learning moments of parody and satire that sneak up on you." .

To learn more continue here --

Diversity Management Tip of the Day

10 Factors That Make Your Recruiting Content More Authentic and Believable

From the city of Scottsdale Arizonia's Office of Diversity and Dialogue: "A simple change in mindset or attitude can make all the difference. Approach generational differences with interest, not fear or negativity. Take interest in the interests of others. You can learn fascinating things about other people if you choose to do so." The city's website offers 10 diversity tips for speakers and 10 diversity tips for managers."

Take a look at

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