Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Diversity Briefings: 11/2/2010

Welcome to Diversity Briefings: 11/2/2010
Volume 1, Issue 9
Group Klopfer Diversity Consulting

It's great to see you here. I hope you are enjoying the stories and links. Please feel free to resend this Diversity newsletter on to friends and colleagues. If you would like to subscribe to receive daily updates, the form for Diversity Briefings is below. Good reading!

And remember ... It's Election Day—Get Out And Vote!

The midterm elections held today will determine who controls Congress and have a profound impact on redistricting. Be sure to make your voice heard.

Susan Klopfer

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Today’s New Topics:  Searching for Religious Freedom, Mix It Up Day, Australian Pride in Diversity, Families and Job Interviews, Discrimination on Appearance, Juan Williams Redux, New Business in Battling Office Bullies, Spaghetti Wednesdays and Cultural Roots
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Searching for Religious Freedom

The Hutterites, members of a small Christian group in the United States and Canada, are no strangers to persecution. The most recent Teaching Tolerance magazine includes a short article about Hutterites.
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Are You Ready to Mix It Up?

If you haven't signed up for Mix It Up at Lunch Day yet, there's no time to waste. Add your school to the Mix It Up map now. You'll be joining thousands of other schools across the country as they help students cross social barriers and shake up cliques. National Mix It Up at Lunch Day will take place Nov. 9—next Tuesday.
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Australian Federal Police Sponsor implementation of Australian Equity Index Through Pride in Diversity

The Australian Federal Police today launched the Australian Workplace Equality Index, a measure which aims to ensure gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees always enjoy a safe and supportive workplace.
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"How's the Family?": Family-Responsibilities Discrimination In Job Interviews

By now, most interviewers know it is inappropriate to ask in an interview: “How old are you” (you can ask if the person is 18 years of age or older) or “Do you celebrate Ramadan?”  There is another danger zone in interviewing, which is often unrecognized by employers but which can get them into just as much trouble: questions pertaining to an applicant’s family or family responsibilities.
Click here to continue -- http://www.delawareemploymentlawblog.com/2010/11/hows_the_family_familyresponsi.html

Beauty And The Bias

The controversy over discrimination in employment based on appearance is heating up again. Newsweek recently ran a special report entitled "The Beauty Advantage" that included a survey of hiring managers, 57% of whom said qualified but unattractive candidates will have a harder time landing a job. More than half of the managers in the survey advised job applicants to invest time and money in "making sure they look attractive" instead of on polishing a resume. In addition, Stanford law professor Deborah Rhode has authored a new book entitled The Beauty Bias that decries appearance discrimination and urges legal reforms to prohibit it.

Click here to continue --

Why bias shows up in surprising places

The debate on the firing of commentator Juan Williams from NPR has addressed virtually every aspect of the topic. But it’s a good illustration of an issue that comes up in the workplace when discrimination and discriminatory words come into play: People somehow think that members of certain groups are incapable of insensitivity.
To continue click here --

Still More Notes

There's big business in battling office bullies:

With his goatee, Darth Vader-sized bald head, and an NFL lineman's build, Gary Namie doesn't look like someone to mess with. And in his case, appearances do not deceive. Namie has carved out a tough niche — he's the guy who bullies the office bullies. Two weeks ago in San Francisco he and his wife, Ruth, were set to give a keynote address at a seminar hosted by a group called California Healthy Workplace Advocates. They were scheduled for a similar event the next day in Sacramento. At $10,000 per appearance, the Namies are becoming the Sarah and Todd Palin of the rapidly expanding office bullying universe — a universe that owes its existence, in large part, to the Namies.
To learn more continue here --

Diversity Management Tip of the Day

'Don't Miss Wednesday Spaghetti'; Managing Diversity Takes Companies To Their Cultural Roots

If the idea of managing diversity has piqued your company's interest, here are several critical questions to consider: What basic assumptions drive your organization − what makes life tick at your place of business? What fundamental understandings do people quickly learn that help them fit in and work in acceptable ways, and how are these assumptions passed on to employees?

The assumptions that drive life in corporations are different from values and traditions, which are usually made clear in some way. Once I applied to work as an intern for a company that celebrated "Spaghetti Wednesdays" in the corporate lunchroom. I was told about the tradition when interviewed for the job and I still believe to this day if a person would have revealed they didn't like spaghetti, they would not have been hired!

Susan's article on Diversity continues here -- http://www.submityourarticle.com/articles/Susan-Klopfer-7986/diversity-119115.php

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